Being a long term substitute teacher can look very different from day to day depending on what you are working on. One of the best parts of being a substitute teacher is schedule flexibility. If you are a long term substitute teacher such as for maternity leave then the routine of day to day becomes familiar and the routine with students can also become familiar. If you are in a new school/classroom every day then day to day substitute teacher routine can be quite different. I have done both parts of subbing in K-8th grades. Both ways of substitute teaching have advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of Long Term Subbing
- Your stuff can stay in one place. (I like to have a few things with me in a classroom to help me feel at home. In a long term leave I can leave my stuff in the classroom and not have to carry it out every day.)
- Routine is familiar.
- Build camaraderie with other staff and administrators.
- You can build relationships with students and parents.
- More pay.
- Possible benefits (depending on the district).
- Teaching experience building.
Disadvantages of Being a Long Term Substitute Teacher
- Student behavior can be stressful.
- Repetitive classes can be monotonous.
- Curriculum planning involved.
- Not much choice of placement.
Advantages of Being a Day to Day Substitute Teacher
- Daily changes in building, subject and/or classroom can break up monotony.
- You can say no to a placement.
- Ready made plans are available (or should be).
- If it is a rough day, then it is over at the end of the day.
- Teaching experience building.
Disadvantages of Day to Day Subbing
- Less pay
- No benefits (though it could depend on the district).
- Not much time for building relationships with staff or students.
- Plans vary greatly from teacher to teacher.
- Not knowing discipline routines.
Being a long term substitute teacher can be fun. The pay and benefits are not great but if flexibility is what you are looking for then substitute teaching could be for you. Who knows it could even help you land a more permanent teaching job. Can you think of any other advantages or disadvantages to being a long term substitute teacher? Let me know below.

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